Together We Shall Beat COVID-19
Together We Shall Build a Bright Future
- A Letter to Everyone in Guangzhou
Guangzhou, as a national center city of China, an international trade centre and transport hub, has a long history of being an open and inclusive city. Tens of thousands of people from different countries and regions, different cultures, of different colours, with different religious beliefs have settled in Guangzhou for entrepreneurship or residence, living in harmony with each other.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Guangzhou has been implementing with firm resolve the strategic decisions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, and adhering to the requirements of Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Guangdong Provincial People¡¯s Government. Taking the safety and health of everyone in Guangzhou as our top priority, we have tried our best to ensure effective and orderly implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control measures based on science and law. Through unremitting endeavour made by everyone in Guangzhou, the COVID-19 outbreak in the city has witnessed positive developments. During this process, we have received tremendous support from sister provinces and municipalities, companies and organizations based in Guangzhou, Consulates General in Guangzhou, municipal governments of overseas countries, civil organizations and people working on facilitating constructive bilateral relations, which has further strengthened our confidence and determination to overcome the pandemic.
At this moment, there still remain transmission risks brought by cases imported from overseas. We are faced with a major challenge - ¡°preventing imported cases from abroad and preventing a second wave at home¡±. To address this challenge, we all need to work together and spare no effort in preventing the further spread of COVID-19. Therefore, we would like to remind everyone in Guangzhou of the following:
1. In order to effectively prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases, all people in Guangzhou are obliged to provide support to the implementation of disease control and prevention measures according to relevant laws and regulations in China. Anyone who violates relevant laws and regulations shall be held legally liable.
2. Strictly follow the requirement of ¡°early detection, early isolation, early reporting and early treatment¡±. We need to practically implement regular administration measures including measurement of the body temperature of anyone entering into residential blocks (villages), presentation of IDs for entry and exit. People should voluntarily provide updates on their health status via Suikang Code or Yuekang Code. Suikang Blue Code, Yuekang Green Code or other valid health certificates and diplomatic IDs should be used for entry and exit.
3. Guangzhou has implemented comprehensive, strict and thorough COVID-19 prevention and control measures. Everyone is subject to the same treatment regardless of their nationality, skin colour or gender. We strongly oppose any differentiated actions taken against specific groups and we have zero tolerance over discriminatory language or acts.
4. No entity or individual shall restrict or deny specific groups of people from checking in at hotels, renting properties or entering into public places such as residential blocks, shopping malls or parks, on the basis of nationality, skin colour or gender.
5. No entity or individual shall restrict or deny specific groups of people from using public transport such as the underground, buses, taxis or water buses on the basis of nationality, skin colour or gender; daily essential services such as health care, catering, shopping, hairdressing and the use of public toilets shall be available and accessible to everyone regardless of their nationality, skin colour or gender.
6. Provide necessary care and support. While implementing COVID-19 prevention and control measures and delivering health administration services, we must address the reasonable concerns of everyone in Guangzhou and provide necessary safeguard measures and support to ensure their legitimate rights and interests.
7. All public organizations must strictly fulfill their obligations and make sure responsible persons are held accountable. Regular health administration measures for employees must be strengthened. Body temperature must be taken and health information must be registered for people going in and out of the offices. Rooms should be properly ventilated. All spaces should be properly disinfected.
8. All public organizations, including civil organizations, industrial and business associations as well as social service agencies, shall make full use of their networks to mobilize and call on members to actively engage in COVID-19 prevention and control efforts.
9. All people in Guangzhou should continue to keep a mask on, cut off group activities, wash hands frequently, and pay extra attention to personal hygiene. Everyone is encouraged to use eco-friendly transport means. When using public transport, people should try to avoid conversations and keep a safe distance from others to reduce transmission risks. Under the circumstances of effective personal prevention, the risks of getting infected with the virus are relatively low during the regular interaction both in work and life.
10. Everyone in Guangzhou can call the 12345 service hot line or the 960169 multilingual service hot line to report issues or problems related to COVID-19, or to ask for instructions and help.
We firmly believe that with the joint efforts of everyone in Guangzhou, as long as we bear in mind the same objective, we will be able to beat COVID-19 and build a better future together.
General Office of Guangzhou Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention
April 19th, 2020
Luttons ensemble contre l¡¯¨¦pid¨¦mie et restons solidaire pour cr¨¦er un meilleur avenir -
Une lettre aux ¨¦trangers ¨¤ Guangzhou
Guangzhou est une ville centrale ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦chelle nationale et le hub du commerce international et du transport en Chine. Depuis l¡¯antiquit¨¦, elle reste une ville inclusive et ouverte. Des milliers et des milliers des personnes des pays et r¨¦gions diff¨¦rents, de cultures diverses et de religions diff¨¦rentes viennent travailler et habiter ¨¤ Guangzhou, et vivre harmonieusement.
Depuis la propagation de l¡¯¨¦pid¨¦mie COVID-19, la municipalit¨¦ de Guangzhou a mis en priorit¨¦ la vie et la sant¨¦ de tous les habitants ¨¤ Guangzhou sous la direction du gouvernement central, des minist¨¨res et des autorit¨¦s provinciales. ¨¤ la suite de la mise en place d¡¯une s¨¦rie des mesures pertinentes et efficaces sur la base de la science et de la loi, la pr¨¦vention et le contrôle de l¡¯¨¦pid¨¦mie ont pr¨¦sent¨¦ des r¨¦sultats positifs. Pendant les mois pass¨¦s, nous avons eu des soutiens des autres villes et provinces, des compagnies et organisations bas¨¦es ¨¤ Guangzhou, des consulats g¨¦n¨¦raux ¨¤ Guangzhou, des gouvernements locaux ¨¦trangers, des organisations non-gouvernementales et des amis du monde entier. Ceci a renforc¨¦ davantage notre confiance et notre d¨¦termination ¨¤ vaincre cette ¨¦pid¨¦mie.
Actuellement, il existe encore des risques de la propagation de l¡¯¨¦pid¨¦mie venant de l¡¯¨¦tranger. Le d¨¦fi en face de nous, c¡¯est de la pr¨¦vention des cas import¨¦s de l¡¯ext¨¦rieur et ¨¦viter un rebond ¨¤ l¡¯int¨¦rieur. Nous devons rester vigilants pour lutter ensemble contre cette ¨¦pid¨¦mie. Pour ce faire, nous prions ¨¤ tous les r¨¦sidents ¨¤ Guangzhou de respecter les consignes suivantes :
1. Selon les lois et les r¨¨glements de Chine, tous les r¨¦sidents, quel que soit la nationalit¨¦, doivent coop¨¦rer avec la mise en place des mesures de la pr¨¦vention et du contrôle de l¡¯¨¦pid¨¦mie. Ceux qui ne respectent pas les mesures feront l¡¯objet des poursuites judiciaires.
2. Respecter les exigences de la d¨¦tection, l¡¯isolement, le rapport, et le traitement au premier temps. Respecter les mesures quotidiennes comme la prise de temp¨¦rature ¨¤ l¡¯entr¨¦e des r¨¦sidences ou des villages, et la pr¨¦sentation du code de sant¨¦ « Suikang » ou « Yuekang ». Les codes « Suikang ( bleu ) » et « Yuekang ( vert ) », pi¨¨ces d¡¯identit¨¦ diplomatiques ou d¡¯autres certificats de sant¨¦ sont n¨¦cessaires ¨¤ l¡¯entr¨¦e et ¨¤ la sortie.
3. Guangzhou prend des mesures compl¨¨tes, strictes et fermes pour lutter contre l¡¯¨¦pid¨¦mie Covid-19. Les mesures sont appliqu¨¦es sur un pied d¡¯¨¦galit¨¦, sans aucune distinction de nationalit¨¦, de couleur de peau ou de sexe. Nous nous opposons ¨¤ toute pratique diff¨¦rentielle visant des groupes sp¨¦cifiques et nous avons une tol¨¦rance z¨¦ro pour les mots et les actes discriminatoires.
4. Il est interdit ¨¤ tous les ¨¦tablissements et ¨¤ des individus de limiter ou de refuser des groupes sp¨¦cifiques en ce qui concerne le logement dans les hôtels, la location des appartements ou l¡¯utilisation libre des lieux publics ( r¨¦sidences, parcs ou centres commerciaux ) .
5. Il est interdit ¨¤ tous les ¨¦tablissements et ¨¤ des individus de limiter ou de refuser des groupes sp¨¦cifiques en ce qui concerne la prise de transport en commun tels que le m¨¦tro, le bus, le taxi, le bateau etc. Il est interdit d¡¯interrompre les services quotidiens comme la consultation m¨¦dicale, la restauration, les achats, la coiffure ou les toilettes etc. ¨¤ des groupes sp¨¦cifiques.
6. Fournir une aide et des soutiens n¨¦cessaires. En m¨ºme temps que la mise en place des mesures de gestion de sant¨¦, nous nous engageons d¡¯offrir ¨¤ tous les r¨¦sidents ¨¤ Guangzhou des soutiens et de l¡¯aide n¨¦cessaires et de prot¨¦ger leurs droits l¨¦gaux pendant la p¨¦riode de la lutte contre l¡¯¨¦pid¨¦mie.
7. Tous les ¨¦tablissements doivent prendre la responsabilit¨¦ de la pr¨¦vention et du contrôle de l¡¯¨¦pid¨¦mie, par le biais de renforcer la gestion de la sant¨¦ de ses personnels, la prise de temp¨¦rature et l¡¯enregistrement de l¡¯¨¦tat de sant¨¦, la ventilation et la d¨¦sinfection des ses locaux.
8. Toutes les associations, les chambres de commerce et les services sociaux sont invit¨¦s ¨¤ mobiliser ses membres pour rejoindre au travail de la lutte contre l¡¯¨¦pid¨¦mie.
9. Tous les r¨¦sidents ¨¤ Guangzhou doivent continuer ¨¤ r¨¦duire les regroupements, se laver r¨¦guli¨¨rement les mains, porter un masque et maintenir la bonne hygi¨¨ne. Il faut garder la distance, et r¨¦duire la conversation dans les transports en commun pour diminuer les risques d¡¯infection. ¨¤ condition d¡¯une bonne protection individuelle, le risque d¡¯attraper le COVID-19 est faible pour les interactions au travail dans la vie quotidiennes.
10. La ligne « 12345 » et la ligne multilingue « 960169 » sont ¨¤ la disposition de tous les r¨¦sidents ¨¤ Guangzhou pour tous renseignements afin de r¨¦soudre les probl¨¨mes ou les difficult¨¦s li¨¦s ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦pid¨¦mie.
Tant que tout le monde est uni et coop¨¨re ensemble, nous sommes convaincus que nous allons obtenir la r¨¦ussite pour la lutte contre cette ¨¦pid¨¦mie et de cr¨¦er conjointement un avenir meilleur pour tous.
Direction de la pr¨¦vention et du contrôle du COVID-19 de Guangzhou
Le 19 avril 2020
일심협력으로 전염병을 이겨내고
동심협력으로 미래를 창조하자
¡ª¡ª광저우에 계시는 여러분께 보내는 편지한통
광저우는 중국 국가급 중심도시이자 국제상업 무역센터 및 복합교통중추도시로, 예로부터 포용도시로 유명하며 전 세계 각지에서 부동한 문화배경, 종교신앙, 피부색을 가진 사람들이 모여와 장기간 창업하고 거주하며 화목을 나누고 있습니다.
신종코로나19전염병사태가 발생한 후, 광저우시는 당중앙,국무원의 지침을 관철하고 또 광둥성위,성정부의 방역작업 요구에 맞추어, 언제나 광저우에 계시는 여러분의 생명안전과 신체건강을 최우선으로, 합법적이고 과학적이며 정확하고 질서있는 방역작업을 전개하여, 또 광저우에 계시는 여러분의 공동지원과 협력으로 광저우시 전반적인 방역추세는 안정되여 있습니다. 이 과정에 우리는 국내 여러 성/시 및 광저주재 조직, 광저우 주재 각국 영사관, 외국지역정부, 민간조직, 우호인사들의 관심과 지원을 받아 왔습니다. 하여 우리는 전염병을 이겨낼 신념과 결심을 더 굳게 할 수 있었습니다.
당면하여 해외 전염병 유입 확진자로 인한 전파 리스크는 여전히 존재하며, ¡°대외 유입방지, 대내 재발억제¡±의 압력은 여전히 엄중하며, 여러분이 일심협력으로 전염병과 싸워야 할 필요성이 있습니다. 이와 관련하여 여러분께 하기와 같이 특별제시를 드리는 바입니다.
1.전염병예방통제를 목적으로 중국관련 법규에 따라 광저우시에 계시는 여러분은 방역통제 조치에 호응할 의무가 있으며 위반자는 법적책임을 감당하게 된다.
2. ¡°조기 발견, 조기 격리, 조기 보고, 조기 치료¡±의 요구에 따라 주택단지(촌) 출입시 체온검사를 실시하며, 통행인증을 상시화 하는 관리조치를 실시하여 ¡°수이캉코드¡±나 ¡°웨캉코드¡±를 이용하여 스스로 건강상태를 신고하며, ¡°수캉코드(블루)¡± ¡°웨캉코드(그린)¡± 또는 기타 유효 건강증명, 영사관요원의 신분증명을 제시해야 정상적인 출입을 할 수 있다.
3.광저우시는 전면적이고, 엄격하고 철저한 방역조치를 실시하여 국적, 피부색, 성별을 물론하고 동일시하며 어떠한 특정인원에 대한 차별화나, 어떠한 차별화된 언행이든지 절대 용인하지 않는다.
4.어떤 조직이나 개인이든지 국적, 피부, 성별 등 원인으로 특정인원이 호텔 투숙이나 전세방 입주, 주택단지, 슈퍼마켓, 공원 등 공중장소 출입을 제한할 수 없다.
5.어떤 조직이나 개인이든지 국적, 피부, 성별 등 원인으로 특정인원의 지하철, 버스, 택시, 수상버스 등 공중교통시설 이용을 제한 할 수 없다. 또 병원, 식당, 슈퍼, 이발소, 화장실 등 일상 서비스 영역에서 어떤 특정인원에 대해서도 차별화 할 수 없다.
6.인간적 관심과 배려의 원칙을 견지하며 전염병예방통제 및 건강관리서비스와 관련하여 광저우에 있는 다양한 인원들의 합리적인 수요를 충분히 고려하고 필요한 보장과 협력을 제공하며 합법적인 권익을 수호한다.
7.광저우시 소속 기관 및 기업조직은 방역통제 주체책임을 엄격히 집행하여, 직원들의 일상건강관리를 강화하고, 출입자의 체온검사와 건강상태 기록을 철저히 하며, 실내통풍과 환경위생관리 및 소독작업 관리를 강화해야 한다.
8.각 사회단체, 업종별 산업협회, 사회봉사기구 등 사회조직은 구성원을 동원해 적극적인 방역에 동참하도록 유도해야 한다.
9.광저우 체류자 및 시민 전원은 마스크를 착용을 견지하며, 모임을 줄이고, 손씻기를 잘하며, 청결을 잘하는 위생습관을 유지해야 한다. 녹색 출행을 제창하고, 공중 교통수단을 이용할 때 대화를 줄이고, 적절한 간격을 유지하며, 감염 위험을 줄이고, 도시 문명의 소양을 구현해야 한다. 자기방호를 제대로 한다면 사람과 사람사이 일상교류에서 신종코로나 바이러스에 감염될 리스크는 비교적 낮은 수준임.
10.광저우 체류기간 12345핫라인이나 960169다국어서비스 핫라인을 이용하여 방역관련 문제나 어려움을 신고하고 도움을 구할 수 있다.
광저우에 계시는 여러분이 일심단결, 일심협력으로 어려운 고비를 넘기고 전염병 예방통제 저격전의 승리를 맞이할 것임을 믿어마지 아니하며 더 나은 내일을 맞아올 수 있음을 믿어 마지 않습니다.